Book Club
We have now had our 2nd gathering with good food and good discussions. The book to read for this time was”How to talk with a widower” Much better than I thought from beginning but I really liked this book. I like Jonathan Troppers style. Quick and fun. 3 Lobster from me. We also already decided weekend for Västkusten. We are 7 girls so its good to plan in advance 🙂 First weekend in october. To eat Lobster. Again.
Next dinner will be at my house. 11 mars. And I chose next book 🙂
I bought this SD Card to my Nikoncamera. Eye-Fi. Should make you wireless. Your photos uploads to the computer. If it only would work!!
I really hate when technical things doesnt work. In many other areas I can be as patient as ever. But this is NOT one of them. I need it to work in 2 weeks!
Next week some skiing with the girls. Again.

Tandådalen Sweden
Song of the evening: I´ll meet you at midnight by Smokie
Good night